Interfaces of Adjective and Adverb in Romance and English

5 May




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Interfaces of Adjective and Adverb in Romance and English
Short Title: CIAA2014Date: 05-Jun-2014 – 07-Jun-2014
Location: Graz, Austria
Meeting URL:


Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Historical Linguistics; Morphology; Semantics; Syntax



Meeting Description:

In English and most Romance languages, attributes with adverbial function, i.e. modifiers of verbs, adjectives, adverbs or sentences, can have two different forms: the unmarked form of the adjective (as in (1)) and the adjective with an adverbial suffix (as in (2)) (Romance languages without such an adverbial affix are Rumanian and Sardinian).

(1a) Engl. The men work hard. (OEngl. hearde (adv.))

(1b) Cat. Els homes treballen dur. ‘The men work hard’ (Lat. durus, dura, durum)
(1c) Fr. Les hommes travaillent dur.
(1d) It. Gli uomini lavorano duro.
(1e) Pt. Os homens trabalham duro.
(1f) Sp. Los hombres trabajan duro.

(2a) Engl. The men hardly work. ‘The men work very little’ (OEngl. heardlice (adv.))

(2b) Cat. (?)Els homes treballen durament. ‘The men work hard’ (attested in early Catalan)
(2c) Fr. Les hommes travaillent durement.
(2d) It. Gli uomini lavorano duramente.
(2e) Pt. Os homens trabalham duramente.
(2f) Sp. Los hombres trabajan duramente.

The coexistence of underived and derived attributes can be observed with attributes modifying verbs, as in (1) and (2), with attributes modifying sentences, as in (3), and with attributes modifying attributes, as in (4).

(3a) Engl. Sure! / Surely! (as an answer)
Projects are needed, sure, but right now I don’t have money.
This will surely take time.
(3b) Fr. sûr / sûrement
(3c) It. sicuro / sicuramente
(3d) Pt. seguro / seguramente
(3e) Sp. seguro / seguramente

(4a) Engl. I feel real good / really good.

(4b) Fr. Elle est grave belle / gravement malade. ‘She is very beautiful/very sick’
(4c) It. Giovanni è pazzo / pazzamente innamorato ‘Giovanni is very much in love’
(4d) Sp. Hans es típico alemán / típicamente alemán. ‘Hans is typical(ly) German’

Additionally, some Romance languages display adverbial agreement: underived attributes that morphologically agree with a noun of the sentence although they do not modify this noun. The data in (5) show cases of adverbial agreement for attributes modifying adjectives and attributes modifying verbs.

(5a) Fr. Elle est toute contente. ‘She is very glad’
Les fenêtres sont grandes-ouvertes. ‘The windows are wide open’
(5b) It. Giovanna è tutta contenta. ‘Giovanna is very glad’
Se ne vanno dritti in Paradiso. ‘They are going straight to Paradise’
(5c) Pt. Ela é toda contente. ‘She is very glad’
É muita bom.’It is very good’
(5d) Sp. Estos chicos son medios tontos. ‘These boys are quite stupid’
Vamos directos hacia el fracaso. ‘We are heading straight to failure’

The data from (1) to (5) raise several research questions concerning the interfaces of adjectives and adverbs in Romance and English. The aim of the conference is to examine these interfaces from different perspectives.

Invited Speakers:

Anne Abeillé (Université Paris 7)
Douglas Biber (Northern Arizona University)
Concepción Company Company (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Adam Ledgeway (University of Cambridge)
Davide Ricca (Università di Torino)
Salvador Valera Hernández (Universidad de Granada)


Thursday, June 5

Welcome and introduction

Adam Ledgeway (University of Cambridge) Invited Speaker
Parameters in Romance adverb agreement

Blanca Croitor (The Romanian Academy Bucharest) / Carmen Mirzea Vasile (The Romanian Academy & University of Bucharest)
Agreement of Romanian superlative adverbs

10:50-11:10 Coffee

Giuseppina Silvestri (University of Cambridge & University of Trieste)
Adverb (and participle) agreement and split intransitivity in Northern Calabria dialects

Davide Ricca (Università di Torino) Invited Speaker
Do we need ‘agreeing adverbs’ in Italian? Short adverbs vs. (co)-predicative adjectives

12:30-14:20 Lunch

Silvio Cruschina / Eva-Maria Remberger (University of Vienna)
Root clause modification: Adv+C, Adj+C, and further developments

Teresa R. Ramalle (University Complutense of Madrid)
The predicative relation in adverbs and adjectives: A structural approach

15:40-16:00 Coffee

Avel•lina Suñer (Universitat de Girona)
Bare adjectives and VP layers

Reception at Villa Malwine (Johann-Fux-Gasse 30, 8010 Graz)

Bernhard Hurch (University of Graz)
Hugo Schuchardt and the frontiers of Romance philology


Friday, June 6

Douglas Biber (Northern Arizona University) Invited Speaker
A register perspective on the diachronic development of simple versus derived adverbs in English

Salvador Valera (Universidad de Granada) Invited Speaker
On subject-relatedness in English ‘-ly’ adverbs

10:20-10:40 Coffee

Adrian Chircu (Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca)
Alternatives in the Romanian language to Romance adverbs ending in –mente

Lorena Medina Gómez / Luisa Josefina Alarcón Neve / Juliana De La Mora Gutiérrez (Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro)
Descriptive and functional analysis of the pair sólo and solamente in oral Mexican Spanish

Concepción Company Company (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) Invited Speaker
Struggle or complementarity? From adverbial adjectives to -mente adverbs: Similar or different syntactic contexts?

12:40-13:00 Coffee & Snack

Anna Gazdik (University of Graz) Project Presentation
A historical dictionary of invariable adjectives in French: Lexicographical and theoretical challenges

14:00 Social event

Saturday, June 7

Rosa María Ortiz Ciscomani (University of Sonora)
From adjective to adverbial modal locutions in Spanish

Ventura Salazar-García (University of Jaén)
Adverbial scope and flexibility in Spanish

10:20-10:40 Coffee

Dan Van Raemdonck (Université libre de Bruxelles – Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Are intrapredicative adjectives adverbs?

Anne Abeillé (Université Paris 7) Invited Speaker
The categories adjective and adverb in the Grande Grammaire du français

12:00 Closing remarks


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