Wortbildungswandel [Word-formation change]

20 Jun





Información aparecida en LINGUIST List: http://linguistlist.org/issues/27/27-2169.html



Title: Wortbildungswandel [Word-formation change]


Subtitle: Eine diachrone Studie zu deutschen [A diachronic corpus study of German nominalization patterns]


Series Title: Studia Linguistica Germanica


Published: 2016

Publisher: De Gruyter Mouton


Book URL: http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/469316?rskey=9DilNp



Author: Stefan Hartmann







In recent years, changes in single word-formation patterns along with the broader system of German word formation have been the subject of greater attention in German linguistics. Using the example of nominalization patterns, this monograph proposes a cognitive-linguistic and constructive grammatical theory of word-formation change and also discusses methodological approaches for studying morphological change.






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